Bryan & Candy: Decoding brand UGC strategy with #LionStory

4 min readJul 27, 2021


Each year, the third Sunday of June is reserved to celebrate fathers around the world, acknowledge their roles in our lives, and express gratitude for everything they do for us. From being our first coaches, to coming to our rescue whenever we need them — dad’s do it all.

Given the events of the past year, Bryan & Candy did an interesting campaign to celebrate the spirit of fatherhood. We speak with the brand to deep dive into the behind-the-making of the initiative and its business impact.

About Bryan & Candy

Bryan & Candy is a leading beauty brand among the beauty enthusiasts. They are transforming the grooming habits of men and women by offering unmatched range of premium grooming products. Their range of premium grooming & wellness products specially designed in New York, USA reflect all the latest international trends transforming the luxury grooming industry.


To engage consumers on Fathers’s Day, the brand launched a user-generated-content campaign “LionStory” and asked users to use #KingOfTheFamily to share beautiful stories of how dad’s have been protective and caring in their life.

The campaign was launched ahead of Father’s Day (20 June) on 10-June-2021 and ended on 20 June 2021. The campaign had two key elements:

  • Highlighting story of Lion using influencers, and
  • A contest where audience have to share beautiful stories of how dad’s have been protective and could win free goodies worth INR 2k.

The campaign was supported by influencers who helped drive the story and seed creative ideas. With participation from customers in the form of pictures, videos, and messages about their Lion story, they became evangelists and ambassadors and further helped push forward the narrative to an even larger audience.

Campaign Brief

The brief was to build a brand proposition by engaging with the audience and to generate UGC from the users.

The overall mission was to increase awareness for Bryan & Candy’s grooming product for men.

Campaign Idea

To cause the shift in perception, a ‘user-generated content’ campaign was launched. The ideas is that people usually don’t post with their father, and which would be new for audience as well as it will give opportunity for audience to connect deeper with the influencers. The whole campaign was planned in such a way that allow influencers to remove the dogma and narrate a story which is close to their hearth or some funny incident about their fathers.

Brand took a conscious decision of not using product integration in the Influencer’s REEL posts. The idea was to let creators share their Lion story, and get traction for UGC — which eventually will add into brand message.



The thesis was to gather Lion Stories using influencers and gather traction for a content which can drive UGC. After influencer started posting content, their audience also started participating in the contest and posted several UGC. Bryan & Candy was able to initiate multiple conversations around the topic and brand was central point of it.

  • Entries Received: 50+ on Instagram
  • Reach: 0.7M+
  • Impressions: 1.2 M+
The Google Trends shown a clear uptick in brand search volume during Father’s Day campaign

Having an emotional angle for any campaign is important for the audiences in general to increase relatability. Personal touch to any campaign has its own magic. — Ranjeet Thakke and Vandit Sampat, Marketing @ Bryan & Candy

